Simple math dictates that more drivers are facing a very dangerous downward spiral in today’s hyper-enforced legal climate on the roads.
More tickets=more repeat violations=more points on your record=more surcharges=higher chance of losing your license and, perhaps, your job.
Don’t think that potential employers will wink at your checkered traffic ticket history, especially if you don’t fight any of the tickets and end up with hundreds or thousands of dollars in fines and numerous citations on your record. In today’s laggard economy, an employer will choose the applicant that has a clean driving record over the one who seems to be a terror on the streets every time, if the qualifications for the two match.
In addition, some industries actually have stipulations written into their contracts that mandate immediate dismissal if a DUI ticket is earned, for instance. Why would someone not call a traffic ticket attorney when they run afoul of the law when fees are mere pennies on the dollar when future consequences are totaled?
Our success rate is often due to a careful focus of a traffic ticket lawyer’s efforts, either in overcrowded and busy courtrooms that desire quick settlements or in jurisdictions that have busy police departments with officers who can’t attend hearings when called.
Personalized and professional legal counsel that will defend your rights.
Decades of experience and expertise backed by a proven defense strategy.
Contact us today to review your case and let our traffic lawyers take it from there.
At Traffic Ticket Kings we keep a pulse on the rhythm of a traffic court and know when to challenge a Pennsylvania speeding ticket and when to back off.
Our success rate is due to the careful focus of our traffic ticket lawyer’s efforts. In many instances, the threat of a jury trial in some locales further motivates judges to keep traffic cases moving along and not waste more of the courts precious time and money. All of these factors work in a motorist’s favor, particularly when represented by a traffic ticket lawyer.